Category: Presentations

  • What is God like?

    A Universal Concept Every culture in the history of the world has had some concept of what God is like. Some have assumed that God controls the weather and have made images of a storm god throwing lightning bolts around (Baal worship in Canaan). Some have assumed that God is mighty, so they worshiped the… Read more

  • What Was Jesus Like?

    ANSWER: Although He had “no beauty or majesty to attract us to him…” (Isaiah 53:2), Jesus’ personality drew men to Him. He was a man of great character. The more we understand what Jesus was like, the more we can seek to emulate His character. What was Jesus like? Jesus was a compassionate figure, his heart overflowing… Read more

  • Trinity and You

    What is the Holy Trinity? Christianity is a monotheistic religion, meaning followers believe in one God. Most Christians also believe in the Holy Trinity or Blessed Trinity, which comprises God’s three persons from the same source. This Christian belief asserts that the entities of the Holy Trinity are co-equal and eternal. “Trinity” means three-fold and… Read more

  • Who is the Holy Spirit?

    There are many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit’s identity. Some view it as a mystical force. Others see it as an impersonal power that God makes available to followers of Christ. What does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit’s identity? The Bible declares that the Holy Spirit is not just a force or power but… Read more

  • Jesus Christ Rose from the Dead

    Jesus Christ Rose from the Dead

    Prominent New Testament scholars have accepted historical evidence that Jesus Christ lived on this Earth. What is not entirely accepted is that He was resurrected from death. If Jesus did conquer death, He opened the door to eternal life for all who will come to believe in Him. This paper aims to build a compelling… Read more

  • Biblical History of Israel

    Biblical History of Israel

    According to the Bible, the land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC. This is a Biblical timeline of events from the distant past to the present day. Early Days First Temple Second Temple Roman Occupation Diaspora – Present Day Read more

  • Morality

    Morality The core idea of a common morality is that all humans, at least all morally serious humans, have an awareness of certain moral norms. Common morality refers to the shared moral beliefs of a society. The claim is that normal humans intuitively, or in some other way, know there is something wrong with lying,… Read more

  • World Religions

    While there are only a few major religions in the world, it’s believed that there are tens of thousands of belief systems that branched off from those few. Each one has its own doctrines, beliefs, practices, and forms of deities or non-deities. If you asked the followers of each religion why they believe what they… Read more

  • Protestant Denominations

    LUTHERANISMLutheranism is the largest branch of the Protestant Church. It grew out of the teachings of Martin Luther. The term “Lutheranism” was first used as a rebuke on a papal bull. Luther preferred the term “Evangelical.” There are around 100 million Lutherans in the world. About half the population of Germany are Lutherans. There are… Read more

  • Life after Death

    Job, speaking out of his despair, asked, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14, ESV). All of us have been challenged by this question. Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Do we simply cease to exist? Is death a revolving door of departing and returning to… Read more