A collection of presentations I’ve made about various faith related topics.
Morality The core idea of a common morality is that all humans, at least all morally serious humans, have an awareness of certain moral norms. Common morality refers to the shared moral beliefs of a society. The claim is that normal humans intuitively, or in some other way, know there is something wrong with lying,…
World Religions
While there are only a few major religions in the world, it’s believed that there are tens of thousands of belief systems that branched off from those few. Each one has its own doctrines, beliefs, practices, and forms of deities or non-deities. If you asked the followers of each religion why they believe what they…
Protestant Denominations
LUTHERANISMLutheranism is the largest branch of the Protestant Church. It grew out of the teachings of Martin Luther. The term “Lutheranism” was first used as a rebuke on a papal bull. Luther preferred the term “Evangelical.” There are around 100 million Lutherans in the world. About half the population of Germany are Lutherans. There are…
Life after Death
Job, speaking out of his despair, asked, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14, ESV). All of us have been challenged by this question. Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Do we simply cease to exist? Is death a revolving door of departing and returning to…
Baptism and Salvation
The belief that baptism is necessary for salvation is also known as “baptismal regeneration.” It is my contention that baptism is an important step of obedience for a Christian, but I reject baptism as being required for salvation. I believe that each and every Christian should be water baptized by immersion. Baptism illustrates a believer’s…
The Holy Spirit and The Trinity
was recently asked a question about identifying the Holy Spirit. What a hard question! It certainly has encouraged me to continue my studies.The Bible declares that the Holy Spirit is God. You can be certain of yourself when you give your praise and admiration to God – the Father, God – the Son, and God…